Romantic village of Lavertezzo

Views from Corippo to Lavertezzo

Views from Corippo to Lavertezzo


Village of Lavertezzo came into view. Lavertezzo lies 3 km north of Corippo.

Lavertezzo is a municipality in the district of Locarno in the canton of Ticino in Switzerland. It has a population (as of December 2014) of 1,293. The economy in the village consisted mainly of farming and grazing.


Parish Church, Madonna of the Angels, was biult in 18th century baroque style.

The parish church of Madonna degli Angeli was built in the 18th Century. Lavertezzo became an independent parish in the 16th century, when it separated from Vogorno. It was granted a religion in 1806.

Facade and altar of the Parish Church

Facade and altar of the Parish Church

Madonna of the Angels Church Lavertezzo

Madonna of the Angels Church Lavertezzo

From the church, walking to the famous Roman Bridge.

From the church, walking to the famous Roman Bridge.

Bridge the Salti river in Lavertezzo

Bridge the Salti river in Lavertezzo

Warning plate near the bridge

Warning plate near the bridge

The double arch stone bridge was built in the 17th century, and is one of the most distinctive sights in the village.

 The 17th century double-arched Ponte dei Salt

The 17th century double-arched Ponte dei Salt

Verzasca River, young people enjoy in the river.

Verzasca River, young people enjoy in the river.

Really clean water of Verzasca River

Really clean water of Verzasca River

The 17th century double-arched stone bridge over the Verzasca River, Lavertezzo.

The 17th century double-arched stone bridge over the Verzasca River, Lavertezzo.

The village of Lavertezzo from the Roman Bridge over Verzasca River

The village of Lavertezzo from the Roman Bridge over Verzasca River.

It would be the time to have to leave this lovely village.

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