Ambleside Cumbria, North West England.

Ambleside is a town in Cumbria, in North West England. It is situated at the head of Windermere, England’s largest lake. The town is within the Lake District National Park.

Although there has been a settlement since pre-Roman times, Ambleside is largely Victorian.

Market Cross between Rydal Road and Market Place in Ambleside.

Market Cross between Rydal Road and Market Place in Ambleside.

Market Street

Market Street of Ambleside

Square of Market Cross

Square of Market Cross

Market Cross, Ulverston in Ambleside

Market Cross, Ulverston in Ambleside


Ambleside Bridge-House

Ambleside Bridge-House

I still don’t know it’s  bridge or house. If you know, please tell me.

Ambleside has now become a major tourist resort with shops, hotels and restaurants. After wandering around the downtown, I arrived at the Windermere lakefront.


I love this scenery here very pure, clean and beautiful. I hope that the heart of the person should be fair in this way.

Ambleside Pier, Café and Bar, Lake of Windermere. Ambleside Pier, Café and Bar

I took a cup of coffee here and I went on board a Cruise ship “Teal” and went to Bowness-on -Windermere.Cruise ship "Teal"